Ajilvsga - "Medicine Bull" CD - DS005
by Ajilvsga
€10.00 / On Sale
CD edition still in store. Listen to it on Spotify:
1 Tired Eyes (9:09)
2 Big Black Meteoric Star (21:21)
3 Rawa (3:15)
4 Realm Of Light (14:23)
5 Leviathan Vanquished (10:09)
Artwork – Danford Mitchell, Valerio Cosi
Mastered By – Pete Swanson
Photography By – Eden Hemming Rose
Sounds [All] – Brad Rose, Nathan Young (3)
℗ © 2008 Dreamsheep Records.
Recorded in Green Country, 2007.
The catalogue number is incorrectly given as DS006 on the spine.
Barcode and Other Identifiers:
Matrix / Runout: HILUX-MEDICINE BULL-A20085
Mastering SID Code: IFPI LY86
Mould SID Code: IFPI AHK05
Press Release:
For those who still haven't had a chance to listen to their music, Ajilvsga is a duo comprised of Nathan Young and Brad Rose (from FoxyDigitalis webzine/label group and The North Sea fame). Ajilvsga are heavy on dynamics, guitars and electronics and they do that in their ownest way. Nicely provided with a doom/black-metal appearance, "Medicine Bull" shines like an immediate masterpiece with its unique soundworld carefully shaped for Wiccan nights, cosmic disasters and altered mind states. Magically mastered by Pete Swanson (from Yellow Swans).
Praise for the album:
"I've not heard of Ajlvsga before. I can't pronounce it and I realized that I couldn't even read it or write it as I had to copy and paste it in to the review. It's another of those CD's on Dreamsheep which has come in this week which is turning out to be a smart label. It's called 'Medicine Bull' and the band is actually Nathan young and Brad Rose (from North Sea!). This is well dark, dark crackly industrial sounding noises cranking along but hidden underneath layers of darkness, doom and granny slaying are tiny slabs of melody which are keeping my interest enough to keep on ploughing through the CD. It's very gutteral sounding and at times the frequencies are making me feel like I'm gonna shit myself. Nothing new there though (thank heavens for adult nappies). If you're into some cranial pounding then this is something you'll like. Somewhere in between Nadja and the Eraserhead soundtrack. If ever anything sounded like there's demons living in your radiator it's this fucker. Charming."
"Listening to this Ajilvsga cd right now and FUCK YEAH this is what I'm talking about. This release is unarguably good and it should have definitely gotten more attention.
Ajilvsga have been flooding the world with a loooot of cdrs and cassettes lately, in the usual style of experimental underground these days. This, of course, is a good thing, and it makes a "proper" cd release even more anticipated and awesome. And Brad Rose with Nathan Young sure do deliver their greatest jams on this first which Ajilvsga CD on Dreamsheep label run by Valerio Cosi. The album is all usual Ajilvsga, yet performing at their maximum capacity. Its a perfect combination of being really heavy and at the same time pretty, as melodic sounds or tribal rythms emerge from the trademark puddle of heavy buzz and bassy drones, sometimes to turn into an epic blast of beautifull noise (in the vein of the last Yellow Swans stuff) or sometimes just to drown into the mud again. The duo throw in new ideas into every track and it all has a feeling of not a second wasted. Definitely an album that I will return to again. More than one time."
(HUM OF THE EARTH blogspot)
"Ideatore dell’etichetta Digitalis Industries, della webzine Foxy Digitalis e deux ex machina di North Sea, Brad Rose esordisce su Dreamsheep (la nuova etichetta di Valerio Cosi) con l’impronunciabile quanto affascinante progetto Ajilvsga. Un senso di profonda inquietudine pervade le cinque tracce del disco, che con sottile spirito autoflagellatorio, si dipana tra visione Xela/Ktl, privilegiando atmosfere che sanno di apocalisse imminente.
Non ci sono spiragli di luce né momenti di rilassamento, in quanto il disco è giocato su suoni perennemente esplosi, portatori di una tensione spasmodica. Particolarmente malsane nel loro incedere Striborg-style l’iniziale “Tired Eyes” e la lunghissima quanto estenuante “Big Black Meteoric Star”. Da far tremare i polsi."
"Key subterranean figures Brad Rose and Nathan young team up on this dense, darkly pyschedelic release, clashing together extreme guitar and electronic textures across fivehead-spinning tracks. At its most intense, as on 'Big Black Meteroic Star', the Ajilvsga sound shifts into the domain of Hototogisu and Yellow Swans (in fact, Pete Swanson of the latter outfit is in hand for mastering duties), yet elsewhere 'Realm Of Light' is a thing of peculiar stillness and murky tranquility. Even so, menace is always lurking beneath every surface, meaning 'Rawa' comes across like a distant echo of black metal drone and 'Leviathan Vanquished' manifests itself as a strangely tuneful network of feedback tones. Recommended."
"L’occhio/orecchio lungo di Valerio Cosi si dimostra eccellente anche quando non si tratta di comporre musiche o scegliere collaborazioni e/o etichette, quanto di mettere su un proprio angolo di paradiso sotto forma di label. Una delle prime uscite della Dreamsheep è Medicine Bull di Ajilvsga; per chi non li conoscesse, il moniker sotto il quale si nascondono calibri del peso di Nathan Young e Brad Rose. Quest’ultimo dimentica per un momento – per modo di dire vista la sterminata discografia a nome Ajilvsga – le bucoliche lande solitamente toccate con The North Sea e si abbandona ad un grumoso mostro droning dall’appeal ritualistico-black metal e dalla resa funesta e spietata.
Boschi infestati, maschere e cappucci, teschi e magia nera, l’iconografia black d’ordinanza tutta riemergono in questo Medicine Bull tra i flutti disperati di drones sapientemente prodotti da Pete Swanson. E se nel finale, negli struggenti 10 minuti di Leviathan Vanquished si provvede ad un barlume di luce seppur sepolto sotto una cappa di malinconia, nell’incipit del disco – i 21 mortali minuti di Big Black Meteoric Star – non c’è altro che devastazione, implosioni, nichilismo. Per chi scrive, uno dei migliori momenti della discografia a nome Ajilvsga."